Rep McKinney censored in House transcript for mentioning impeachment
Sorry this is a bit dated, but I just ran across it. From Project Censored:
U.S. Representative McKinney Censored in Congress
Reviewed by Charlene Jones
Representative Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) used the word “impeachment” on the House floor but, she said, it was not reflected in the official transcript of her September 8 description of “high crimes and misdemeanors visited on the American people.” In a speech entitled Tremendous Challenges that Face our Country, McKinney recounted the incompetence of the Bush Administration in addressing the needs of hurricane Katrina victims and the policies of Republican elites responsible for rampant poverty and an increased racial divide. Questioning everything from the lack of action on Katrina to rewarding the rich, the congresswoman later promised to use the word repeatedly on the House Floor until she sees it reflected in the Congressional Record.
Here's the story in her own words.
impeach Bush
Cynthia McKinney