Neo-Hippie Ramblings - I'm a Non-Conformist Just Like All My Friends
If I were a superhero my powers would be the Ray of Bitterness and the Ego Crush. As it is, I'm just a ticked-off, razor-tongued, pot-smokin', crew cut, neo-hippie -- flingin' poo right back at the Flying Monkeys and shootin' spitballs at the Global Village Idiot.
About Me
- Name: Rambler Joe Snitty
- Location: Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
Here's where you'll most likely find me these days:
RSS Feed
Hippie 8-Ball
by The JavaScript Source
BE Textlinks
Swag & Brain food
Catch a Fire
- The Media Awareness Project
- Marijuana Policy Project
- Cannabis Consumers
- Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
- Brian C. Bennett's Drugwar Facts
killers in high places
Blogs that Just Kick Ass
- Thudfactor
- Upper Left
- City Eyes
- MoxieGrrrl
- Waking Ambrose
- Bring It On
- Happy Fun Cog
- Sane Thoughts of a Crazy Guy
- Courting Destiny
- Diane's Diary
- Brad's Brain
- The Bulldog Manifesto
- Who Hijacked Our Country
- T. O. M. F. K. A. Rob's Blog
- The Labryinthine Mind
- Naked Wisdom
- The Martian Anthropologist
- The Rude Pundit (A bigger potty-mouth than me)
Misc. Links
Graphical Links
Crap I Said the Other Day
- I'm a search engine hit for 'chloroformed mom, sex'
- 25-Foot Pig Greets Returning Lawmakers
- How do you cut down a shrub?
- Haiku - Naval Research Lab
- Bushies - New Brand of Diaper
- It's a blunderful life
- The jackals are eating well this week
- Picked up Koyaanisquatsi and Powaqqatsi on DVD today
- Impeach Bush - You can hide the bodies but not the...
- From No Contact Politics: Natural Disasters: China...