Joined the Sunkist Club Today my friend Zak calls it. So now I'm all juice, no seeds.
Actually, the 'no seeds' part takes a while -- you have to ejaculate about 25 times to completely 'clear the chamber', as it were. So I have something to shoot for.
Once that's done, I get to drop off two samples at the lab, two weeks apart. After I get the all clear, no more worrying about birth control. Ever. Woo-hoo!
So now I'm just sitting here hopped up on Darvocet with an ice-pack tucked into my shorts.
One piece of advice for anybody going in for the snip: Shave your own sac beforehand. Really. I was a bit sketchy about doing that, so I left it up to the doctor. Big mistake. The Valium they gave me beforehand did absolutely nothing to take the edge off having my scrotum stretched out and dry-shaven with a Bic. (shudder) As a matter of fact, I'm not sure it did anything at all except to give me really weird dreams while I dozed off waiting for the procedure to start.
The surgery wasn't that painful, really. The worst part has been post-op, feeling like I got kicked in the groin whenever the meds start to wear off. I had a Prince Albert piercing done about 7-8 years ago and that pain was infinitely more intense.
But that's a story for another day...