Medical pot user yanked from hospital bed
Original source - Duluth News Tribune
Medical pot user yanked from hospital bed
SEATTLE - An Army veteran who fled to Canada to avoid prosecution for growing marijuana to treat his chronic pain was yanked from a hospital by Canadian authorities, driven to the border with a catheter still attached and turned over to U.S. officials, his lawyer says.
He then went five days with no medical treatment and only ibuprofen for the pain, attorney Douglas Hiatt said.
Steven Tuck, 38, was still fitted with the urinary cath-eter when he shuffled into federal court for a detention hearing Wednesday, Hiatt said.
"This is totally inhumane. He's been tortured for days for no reason," Hiatt said.
(Article continues online.)
Man, it sure is a good thing the Feds pressured Canada to turn over this
At least he made it through the ordeal with his life, which is more than can be said for Jonathan Magbie.
And as for Canada, I can only suggest: Do feel free to disobey this evil empire of ours any time you want, eh?
medical marijuana
Steven Tuck
state rights
legalize it
med pot
Jonathan Magbie