Yahoo Rankings - #1 for hating Nancy Grace
I'm now the top search result on Yahoo for the phrase "i hate nancy grace". ROFLMAO. Here's the original post that got me there.
I'm now the top search result on Yahoo for the phrase "i hate nancy grace". ROFLMAO. Here's the original post that got me there.
The original post is here. Just yer standard "Rush Limbaugh made another asinine comment followup and here's why" post.
As long as some of us are here to fight the fight, the fight ain’t over.
Attendees of a legal gathering on private property conducted with appropriate permits and insurance are attacked by Utah police with riot gear, assault rifles, attack dogs, helicopters and tear gas. If you can't beat 'em, beat 'em, I guess. Just a little more of the kind of shit you'll never hear on CNN.
Sun Aug 21st, 2005 at 22:30:30 PDT
Originally Posted by knick evl ntnt
Last night, I was booked to play an event about an hour outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. The hype behind this show was huge, they presold 700 tickets and they expected up to 3,000 people total. The promoters did an amazing job with the show.. they even made slipmats with the flyers on them to promote in local shops.
So, we got to the show around 11:15 or so and it was really cool. It was all outdoors, in a valley surrounded by huge mountains. They had an amazing light show flashing on to a mountain behind the site, the sound was booming, the crowd was about 1500 people thick and everything just seemed too good to be true really. Well...
At about 11:30 or so, I was standing behind the stage talking with someone when I noticed a helicopter pulling over one of the mountain tops. I jokingly said "Oh look, here comes big brother" to the person I was with. I wasn't far off.
Apollo's diary :: ::
The helicopter dipped lower and lower and started shining its lights on the crowd. I was kind of in awe and just sat and watched this thing circle us for a minute. As I looked back towards the crowd I saw a guy dressed in camoflauge [sic] walking by, toting an assault rifle. At this point, everyone was fully aware of what was going on . A few "troops" rushed the stage and cut the sound off and started yelling that everyone "get the fuck out of here or go to jail". This is where it got really sticky.
I'll preface this by telling you about an old friend of mine, Burley. He's a Vietnam vet. Back in my college days, during summer break, I used to hang out with his daughter and get stoned just about every night. Once in a while, if we couldn't get ahold of any pot, he'd hook us up by leaning over and flicking a joint from behind his ear onto the kitchen table. Good times.
It is with sincere regret that I must inform you that the United States will probably be unable to intervene to stem the murders, rapes and other hideous state-sponsored crimes in your country of Sudan in a meaningful way.
Just spent way too long trying to get this shit off my PC. Grr.
Our third daughter, Marley Grace, was born this morning at about 9 am. A short but intense labor and delivery marked the happy ending to a high-risk, very stressful pregnancy that we had all feared might end in disaster (hence her middle name). Peace and love to the world. - J
Yea! Because I really did care, just not enough to spend six hours doing CTRL-C, CTRL-V, Rinse, Repeat.
This woman is a middle-school teacher, but she can't spell the word 'sponsor' or correctly use the word 'whose' in a sentence:
Please take a moment to assist a broke teacher to buy more supplies and visit my sponsers. Links located at the bottom of the page. I am 28 currently, I am married to a wonderful man. I have two children whos' fathers are not my wonderful husband. I am a middle school teacher. I recently quit smoking (yay me), and now I drink too much. I read a lot, and I watch a lot of movies and tv.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A political committee founded by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay may have improperly spent unregulated "soft money" on get-out-the-vote and fund-raising activities, the Federal Election Commission says. A DeLay attorney said Thursday the money has been reimbursed.Article continues online at CNN.
Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee "potentially" spent about $203,000 in soft money from its nonfederal account to pay for the political activities and administrative expenses, the FEC found in an audit.
I just switched my comments system over to Haloscan, so any old comments you might have left between December and now are in electro-limbo. It's not that I don't care... it's just that the thought of restoring all those comments manually via cut and paste leaves me feeling borderline catatonic. Cause I've got shit to do, you know?
These babies hate us because they hate our freedom.
I left work Friday feeling like I'd been sucker-punched a few times (long story, don't wanna talk about it) and P. suggested that I buy myself a pick-me-up gift. I'm not generally the 'shopping as therapy' type, but it actually sounded kind of appealing. So we headed over to Grasshopper. I hadn't been there for a few years and was looking forward to it.
Without a doubt, CTV jumped when they brought that horrible obnoxious self righteous judgmental witch Nancy Grace on. She's the only person in the world that actually makes me root for the defendant. When she whines and screws up her face into that sneer, flares those pointy nostrils and rolls her eyes I swear I want to throw my couch at the TV screen. And does she know how to shut the hell up once in a while and let someone else talk? It's like eeeek! Trying to get in a word edgewise here you big mouth. I once played a drinking game with someone during her show but we had to quit because I was afraid I'd get alcohol poisoning. One shot: Every time Nancy makes some lame joke at the defendants expense. Two shots: Every time Nancy says "She's a crime victim" BTW if her fiance hadn't of gotten killed he probably would have shot Nancy by now. Can you imagine having to listen to that sickening venomous honey coated accent everyday? Oh and did you ever notice how she gives this "pensive look" before she cuts away to the courtroom? She'd be a big hit at a charity function. I'd pay 50 bucks to dunk her in a tank. There would be a line wrapped around the building for that, I'm sure.And here are some gratuitous links to other people who hate Nancy Grace:
While I was out mowing the lawn the other day, I happened to notice the neighbor's 14 year-old kid lighting up a cigarette. It occurred to me then that the problem with tobacco products isn't that they can kill you, it's that they take so damned long to do so. So in the interest of the public health, let's make tobacco more deadly.
Well, after nine months of indecision, we finally came up with a girl's name: Marley Grace.